It was an amazing experience. While funding for the development remains a goal, we see USC's engagement as evidence that we are moving in the right direction. Future plans include completion of master plans and construction documents, a field trip to investigate site conditions, and pre-construction activities leading up to development. When complete the initial phase of the new development will support one hundred residents with housing, education, a medical clinic, and the ability to be partially self-supporting through agriculture and trade.
A key goal of this project is to create a new model for developing orphanages. A model that is simple yet which provides high quality services. A model that is affordable in order to improve financial stability. A model that engages and teaches local townspeople, giving them new skills and helping them improve their lives and future. A model that can be duplicated by many people in many places.
In early work the students have been investigating similar types of projects in similar climatic and economic environments. Understanding how to design facilities and systems that are relevant to context, supportable by local workers, sustainable both environmentally and operationally, and which further the goals of the orphanage is an important goal of this research effort. What they have developed in the short time since the start of the semester is striking.
There are several things to be learned even at this early stage of the project. Good ideas often take time to mature and require faith to proceed. Good ideas attract good people, who then adapt the vision and help make it better than it was. Good ideas create positive change, and a new future.
Destined to Live the Good Life. It doesn't get much better than that, does it?
Stay tuned for periodic updates as we progress.